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I Agree!

by Mrs Debra Graves
(Elgin, Oklahoma)

I could not have said it any better. I love that speech on the movie. I agree with her and you (you write so eloquently). Do you mind if I quote you in a women's Bible study sometime? You have impressed me so much. I thank God for women like you. I hope it's not too late for women to come to their senses and become real women again. I have come home to be that woman and to develop a real relationship with my Heavenly Father. I must tell you I don't know when I've felt so feminine, and my relationship with my husband is much closer and loving. I love your comments....God Bless!

Shelly's comments: Debra, thank you so very much for wonderful, warm response. Feel free to use this in your Bible study! Congratulations and welcome on your home-coming! May God richly bless you and your family now and in the coming kingdom of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Blessings!

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Mar 06, 2012
Men Will Agree Also
by: Larry

Mrs. Graves,

Many men have forgotten how beautiful a truly feminine, Godly woman can be in our rapidly deteriorating culture of false feminism.

I have been blessed to have a wife who loves God and knows how to be truly feminine, even with all of the worldly distractions.

Men who have not experienced this type of relationship, sadly don't know what they are missing.

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